The responsibility of saving the wildlife is not only on the Government, and the efforts of the Government alone cannot succeed unless and until the support of masses is there. Zoos are the best place to sensitize people about glorious past, the present scenario and the gloomy future we are heading towards in wildlife conservation. We believe education is the link between people and animals. It is the only tool that can enlighten and inform over 3.5 million visitors to the zoo about the value of conservation and guide them in our endeavors. The role of education becomes all the more important in an institution like a zoo because, at the zoo, people come with the aim of watching animals.





Eco-days Celebrations

Visitors come to the Zoo not only to see the wildlife but also to learn about them. Through various platforms, Hyderabad Zoo is educating people about conservation of wildlife and their importance in nature. 

Events like

Sl.No Eco-Day : Date
1 World Wetland Day : February - 2nd
2 World Sparrow Day : March - 20th
3 World Earth Day :   April - 22nd
4 Bio-Diversity Day : May- 22nd
5 World Environmental Day : June - 5th
6 World Nature Conservation Day : July - 28th
7 International Tiger Day : July - 29th
8 Dr. Salim Ali Birthday : November - 12th
9 Wildlife Week : October - 2nd - 8th 



Bird School


World Wildlife Day Celebrations

World Elephant Day Celebrations

Conducted Webinar on the occasion of International Tiger Day